Food Service Tomatoes
The Food Sercice Tomato is the first non-leaking tomato. The structure of these tomato makes it the ideal tomato for slicing, dicing and cutting in any other form without losing its shape. The ability to retain the juice results in a lasting fresh appearance after cutting. These characteristics, together with the deep red color make this a very convenient tomato for fresh salads, pizza topping, sandwiches or as a cooking tomato.

30x40 tray
Brand Specifications
Product | Nunhems Intense tomato |
Fruits | solid and deep red |
Weight range | 75-85 gr per tomato |
Measurement range | 47-57 mm |
Appearance | Egg-shaped |
Texture | Firm tomato with thin skin |
Taste | Spicy and good taste |
Shelf life | Good shelf life |
Store | Outside the refrigerator at a temperature of 15-18°C |
Available | Year round |
Outlets | Shops with an extensive and high quality vegetables, specialty greengrocers. |
Packaging | 5 kg box, EPS or small pack |
Purchase price | As desired, based on daily, weekly or seasonal prices |
This company is a member affiliated with the GMO-recognized growers' association ZON, our products are sold exclusively through ZON.
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